How to find and live Your Purpose

How to find and live Your Purpose

How to find  and live Your Purpose – photo

How to find and live Your Purpose

How to find  and live Your Purpose – video

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  • From joyless to purposeful & fulfilled – I share with you my personal journey from feeling burnout and unhappy to feeling real Joy and Fulfillment.
  • You will discover the uniqueness of your personality & talents and understand why duplication and imitation do not work and lead to burnout.
  • You will discover how my life experiences and a parable of talents from the Bible led me to where I am today and what it has to do with you, how you can benefit from it.
  • You will learn how to achieve Joy and Fulfillment.
  • Uncover your own talents with a pocket coach – GeniusFormula® app.
  • Watch the video to get the full story. 
  • Already have done The GoodTest™ assessment or have a Genius Formula app and you know your inner Talents? Let’s celebrate you! Take a photo with your result and use #GeniusFormula or #TaisjaLaudy.


Get the GeniusFormula® app!

If you want to unlock your hidden Talents and develop them, GeniusFormula® app is the resource you need. GeniusFormula® app will guide you through unlocking, developing and implementing your Talents-based life that will help you to lead an amazing and fulfilled life. Unlock your Spiritual Gifts with The GoodTest™


I give gratitude and shout-outs, so post a screenshot or video on Instagram and use #TaisjaLaudy I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about this episode!




[Hello, my dear friend, I’m Taisja Laudy saying hello to you from here, Auckland, New Zealand. And this is my story, okay? Why is it important for you to listen to my story? Because I believe that in our stories, we share a lot and that maybe just, maybe in my story, you will find something for yourself, which will be able to impact your life and help you to live it in a more amazing way.

So here I was in the year 2008, very successful Sales Director, engaged with the nice fiancé, the one I was in love and driving beautiful white Mercedes CLK, flying around the globe, you know, delivering trainings to different people where I was invited to do so, and yet, and yet, I remember the morning.

I remember one morning in 2008 when I woke up and I didn’t want to get out of my bed. I was completely joyless. No joy. Lots of successes, you know, everything is so cool, everything the world was telling me it is worth having I had, yet I was missing my joy. I was missing something, what I used to have throughout my entire life, because I was this joyful, you know, smiley girl. Then a teenager happy naturally, even during the tough times trying to deal with everything. But now I was successful, going to get married and completely joyless. And I felt like I’m losing myself. Like I’m losing the most important part, which is me in all, what others call the success and the happy life.

It was not a happy life. It was not the life I wanted to live, but I was so scared and terrified and I didn’t know whom to talk about this. So I remember how I started whispering into my few friends’ ears and telling them, look, this is what I feel, do you maybe by any chance feel something similar? And I remember how one of them told me to go and see a psychiatrist and another one told me “Oh my gosh, your life is so amazing. What’s wrong with you? Just take a break, go for the holiday. Maybe you need a vacation, take a break for a month off  from it, like from everything.” So I did, I took a break. I went and I saw a psychiatrist and it didn’t help. It didn’t help, you see. The feeling of lack inside the feeling of lack of joy was getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

And another thing, I had this inner feeling and voice that there is something else I need to do with my life, that I’m meant to do something different than what I was doing, that I’m meant to serve and to use my gifts and talents. And then I read this parable about talents in the Bible, I heard it before.

But now this was like shouting at me “Your talents, your talents, you need to know your talents.” And I was like, I have no idea. I have no talents. I’m not a good singer. I know how to play guitar. I wanted to learn that so I did. I can sing somehow, but I’m not anybody like Adele or, you know, anybody you would buy a ticket to go to a concert, to go to a concert, to listen to them sing. I’m not a painter. I cannot paint a beautiful picture. Like I was so confident that I have no visible talents. Yet Bible was telling me that everybody got a talent. And then at the end, it was saying. And you, you know, if you use them, well, this is how you enter the joy and the word ‘joy ‘was the missing part for me because this is what I was missing.

So it immediately, like, you know, the puzzles came together and I was like “Oh, so if I need the joy in my life, I need to know the talents, but how do I get to know them? How do I unlock them?” And this is how my journey began. After four years, talking to people and sharing with them that I feel there is a plan for my life and for your life.

And that we have been giving tools to fulfill the plan, but we don’t know the tools. People kind of felt what I’m saying, but they were too afraid to admit it. Some of them said “I feel similar, but I have no idea what to do with these feelings. What are those tools? What is the plan? How can you unlock first?” and I remember four years of research and asking and talking, one evening, we were seeing our friends and this was a pastor, and I’m pretty sure that he was under the influence of, you know, the divine influence. And he told me “Taisja, this is what you should do. There is this Institute in the US, they do this expensive assessment on talents and strengths, and you should, you should do that. It will help you to understand and maybe to find answers to your questions.”

And I’m pretty sure he forgot what he told me, but when I heard those words that there is a tool which actually can help me to unlock my talents and my strengths, I remember coming back home and buying everything Gallup had at those days, all the books, I bought courses, which were valuable, not much of them were available at that stage.

It was already 2012, remember 4 years from 2008 to 2012. I remember when I did my StrengthsFinder assessment for the first time and this is how my journey in understanding What is talent? What is talent? What is this strength? What are spiritual gifts? And what our Creator wants from us and what did he give us and how to unlock those tools so just, you know, through those years, I’ve been working with thousands of people around the globe. Once I unlocked my gifts and talents and saw them, I fell in love with this and I thought “Oh my gosh, everybody should know this.” And I could see why I lose lost joy immediately because my career was skills-based, but not talents-based.

So, what does that mean? I built my career on getting better at everything, you know, learning stuff, going to practice something. If you don’t know how to present, learn how to present so I did. I was doing a lot of things that were not natural to me, so not natural that it was killing me. But the whole world was telling me, you know, look at people who have success in this area, then just duplicate what they do and you will have success as well.

And this is exactly what happened to me. And this is exactly how it worked. I looked at them, I duplicated what they’ve done. I had success but I lost myself and joy on this road from them to my success. There was no me because the chances of viewing me sharing exactly the same talents are 1 in 33 million. Can you imagine that? So what is the chance that the mentor or somebody I will be duplicating is the same person like me? None! There is no chance, but there is a huge, huge chance that I will be mistaken and burnt out and that I will feel bad at the end of the day because that person is so good, let say in sales or in recruiting other people and I was hopeless, but I can learn how to do that. So I did and I persisted and I’ve got success but I paid a huge price for this. I got very sick. I had anemia, which was so bad that I was almost hospitalized. I was under the control of the special institution, which, you know, checked my blood on a regular basis just to see how am I doing? Because it was so bad that once they saw my result, they thought I was a 90 years old grandma. They gave me a call and they asked, where is the grandma bring her to us NOW, like immediately. And I said, there is no grandma, it’s me, this successful young, amazing, you know, person who is duplicating to achieve success and not knowing who I was, okay? So when I understood that, and then I could see that I was not using 60% of real me in my career, I started talking to people and I understood that my calling is helping people to unlock their talents, gifts, values, dreams, and follow that path to their Genius Life. 

And this is how after, you know, tons of books, courses, working with people CEO’s around the globe, loving people and loving God, because God is so important to me in my life. And it all started from the Bible and in the parable of talents. I knew that I was guided, you know, to fulfill what I was here for. 

And in 2015 I came up with my personal mission that I live to help people, bring people to fulfillment, to help them to live fulfilled life, where they will fulfill their calling on their life, by using, knowing, and using their talents, values, and following their dreams, where their life and work will be like their meditation, you know, where they do what they do and they feel constant joy. Like the one, I’m feeling right now when I’m talking to you and I hope that you can feel that it’s coming from the bottom of my heart with some usage of my brain, but more from my soul, that it’s coming from my soul. You know, when you are coming to the world from your soul, the whole world can feel it.

So in, I don’t remember 2019 or 2020, my book was published, which is called My Life with Mr.Good where I described the whole journey from, you know, a little girl living in Siberia, living in the previous Soviet Union, and then moving through all these countries, Great Britain, Brussels, Belgium, Holland to New Zealand, and you know, taking with myself a message of talents and gifts and fulfilling a purpose so that others could look at you and see how amazing is your Creator.

And actually, it even doesn’t, it’s if you believe or not, if you just want to have a happy and fulfilled life, you need to unlock your talents because you know, our Creator is so amazing that he’s a Giver. and He gives us, He gives the sun and light and rain and beautiful nature to all of us. If you believe or you don’t believe you have it. In the same way, you have your talents and gifts, they are developed at different levels, but we all have them just as the law of gravity is working for all of us, this is the law of talents and fulfillment, which is working for all of us. And once you know those rules of the law, your life will be shifted. 

So from that girl in 2008 to 2012, so completely lost, you know, I quit my job, I quit my Sales Director position, Senior Sales Director position and as I say usually the story is from Zero to Hero here was from Hero to Zero, okay? 

And this is when my journey started, my guided journey sharing the message with the world. And today I am an author of My Life with Mr. Good, I’m a Chief Inspiration Officer and the Founder of TLnC Global, which is a Gallup Certified Global Coaching and Consulting company that serves literally around the globe, working with CEOs, teams, and companies. I’m a creator and a Co-founder of GeniusFormula® app company, where, what we did with CEOs for years, and they paid obviously a lot of money, we put it in the GeniusFormula® app and this app helps you to unlock your talents, your gifts, combination of your brain operations and your heart desires, and to understand how to find your fulfillment and joy and how to find and unlock your energy sources. This app is loaded with love and know-how, the best know-how to help you to be and live your best self, best life and be your best self on a daily basis.

And, you know, my dream was to have such a pocket coach that everybody could afford and have a pocket coach, something you can go to in any needed situation. Let’s say you go to an interview and you need to remind yourself who you truly are, so that you don’t get into a job which will be harmful to you, or you go to a date and this is an important date for you with somebody maybe you love or you feel you may be in love, and this is where you need to know and remind yourself who you truly are. You go back to your pocket coach to the GeniusFormula® app and et cetera, et cetera. Now the dream is coming true, and the app is out there.

You can actually find it in the App Store or Android, I think it’s Google Play and download it, use it. I think it’s free for the first seven days. You can try it out, play with it, and just see how you feel and unlock your talents as well. 

So, you see, from me giving up everything I had in 2012 and just saying “I want to feel joy. I want to feel happiness, and I know that I’m meant to live this and help those who will be keen to join. Today, we literally help thousands, thousands of people around the globe with my amazing team. Many people read the book, many people use the app, thousands of people went with me or with trainers I work with through the Genius Formula process, through the unlocking their talents, gifts, and their potential, and today, this amazing truth is not a mystery anymore. You see, I believe that before gravity was found, nobody knew what that is, right? But then it wasn’t long when Newton came up with this. Now we just know it’s gravity. It’s so easy. It’s so simple. But in how many cases that help to shift a life, understanding. You know,  I love the saying with that, which, which goes like this, that lack of knowledge kills people.

This is from the Bible like that “My people are dying because they are lacking knowledge.” And I felt that the huge lack of knowledge was unlocking your true inner self. I created you. I planned your beautiful life. I planned your amazing experiences. I planned the good deeds you are meant to be walking in. I gave you the tools, which are your talents and gifts. I gave you passions and values in your heart, which is your GPS system. And I put dreams into your heart and into your mind so that you knew where to go, what to focus on. And this is everything I will be happy about. I would love to help you to find out, unlock about yourself, to go through the Genius Formula process to find your gifts because I can’t imagine life, any life without knowing these things I just shared with you. I believe it’s not life, it’s suffering and suffering is something nobody wants to go through. I’ve been there. I don’t want you to be there. I came out of there and I know that I can help you.

You will not need to duplicate my journey, but you will find your own and you will follow it and shine and others will look at you, and maybe one day you will say, come “I will show you how to do it.” And this is my dream, and this is my vision for us. And I believe, yeah, it is happening.

It is possible. This is my dream, and this is my vision for all of us. Thank you for your attention. Subscribe to the channel if you felt that this is something worth learning. Share it with a friend, be with me. I shared with you my story. Maybe you want to share your story with me. Write to me, text. Let’s be in touch, sending you loads of love and talk to you later! There will be a new brand new video every week for you to grow and to be better in your talents, values, dreams, and in your Genius Life, the one you were created for. Thank you.]

With Love

Taisja Laudy

Taisja Laudy
Taisja Lauda has been discovering and developing the Talents, Values ​​and Dreams of people for 12 years so that we can live in authenticity, freedom and fulfillment. Entrepreneur, mentor, author of the book "My life with Mr. Good", president and founder of TLnC Global - GALLUP Certified Coaching / Consulting, but above all, a wife and mother of two wonderful children, who wants to be understood, joyful and fulfilled in being fully herself.