How to Enter Your Abundant Life

How to Enter Your Abundant Life

The Parable of the Talents or How to Enter Your Abundant Life  – photo

The Parable of the Talents or How to Enter Your Abundant Life 

The Parable of the Talents or How to Enter Your Abundant Life  – video

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  • You will discover the true meaning of the “Parable of the Talents”
  • You will understand how you can apply the wisdom from this parable to your own life
  • You will learn how Talents and inner Joy are interlinked and interdependent
  • Uncover your Talents with your pocket coach – GeniusFormula® app.
  • Watch the video to get the full story.
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FULL TRANSCRIPT – “The Parable of the Talents or How to Enter Your Abundant Life”

[Hello my friend, I’m so excited to be with you today and about the topic I’m going to share with you. I’m very passionate about this topic. I’m very passionate about faith, about guidance, about God and people. Those are my two loves: people and following & serving God, okay? So today I would love to share with you “The Parable of the Talents” and for us to talk how is that connected to you and me and what actually, what does it say to us about Talents, Gifts, and Strengths. Do we have them? If we do, what are we supposed to do with them? And then, what will we get if we do something with them? So do you have them, what are you supposed to do with them and what will you get if you will actually do something with them? 

So, okay, in Matthew 25 from verse 14, we can read a story, the parable of the three servants. I’m not going to read it to you. You can go, if you have your Bible, you can go, open it up and check it later on. I will try to tell it to you in my words and sometimes maybe read something from here. I actually love using the Bible app, which is very handy, and you have lots of versions of biblical translations and different versions of Bible actually. So I’m using the Good News Bible right now English version, okay? 

So in this story, and maybe you are not the believer, maybe you have never heard about the parable of talents and gifts, and maybe you don’t know that you have any gift so then be with me, I believe this can be something interesting and maybe even life-transforming for you, okay? It was for me at some point of my life. So first of all, from this parable, what happens, we see that the master is going away and leaving his, let’s say business in our words, to three servants, to three employees, okay? And what he does, he goes to the one and gives him 5 talents, to another one, he gives 3 talents and to the last one, he gives 1 talent and a very important thing, which has said here that he gives to each and one of them, according to their ability, okay? So we are given our talents according to our ability, how we can use them for our good, for others good and for the master’s good, okay? And then, those three servants or three employees or three people, they take what they were given and they do something with this. So first and second one who got five and three talents, they go do some business, turn it around and the one who got 5, makes another 5 so he multiplies the gift, the talent. And then the second one does the same so when the master comes back, and ask, show me, what have you done with what I gave you, what I gave you in your life? Did you do anything with those? Did you use it wisely? Did you multiply it? They come and they show, okay, you gave me this, you gave me five talents, you gave me five gifts, now I’m giving you 10. I multiplied it. I went out, I did something, I was brave, I was courageous and now I’m bringing you more with profit and second, the same and the master looks at that and goes and says “Oh good servants, good kids, good people, good employees, come into the joy of your Lord.” 

And the word Joy is so important here and powerful. So you did well, enter into the joy, be with me, let’s have some time together, let’s live together, let’s do more things together. You did well.

 The third one who got just one talent out of scarcity, out of fear, that person took the talent, the gift, the life, which was given to that person and just buried it in the ground being afraid that “Oh, I just got one and if I lose this one and the master comes back and I have nothing to give back, oh my gosh, what will happen?” So out of fear, that person takes the gift and it can be the gift of life, it can be the gift of communication you have, it can be the gift of influencing others, it can be the gift of empathy, it can be the talent of relationships, it can be the talent of building a business you dreamed of your entire life, but never did this because you were afraid of something, afraid of failure, which actually doesn’t exist but the fear is so huge. That person did nothing.

And then the master comes and asks “Show me, what did you do with what I gave to you?” They take the gift out of the ground. It’s dirty, it’s dead, it’s unused. You know how things look, if we don’t use them for years, they look not pretty. They look bad, they look not nice. And, and that person brings this to the master and says, “You gave me this so take it, I’m giving it back to you; take it because I was so afraid of you that you are so powerful and strong so I did nothing not to lose this, so I just hid it. It was in a hidden place so now I could give it back to you.” And the master looks at that person and goes “Oh, you, you,..”, you know, like and gets a bit angry and like “You did nothing with the gift I gave you. Get out of my sight, just disappear and, yeah, and those are horrible words. And then another part which comes there that that gift, which was not used by an unfaithful servant is taken and given to the faithful ones, to the ones who did something with their talents, with their life, if we would want to say so.

And the master says “Get this servant, get this person and take out of my sight into the sorrow and the difficulty of life and into the suffering because, and this is not the master who’s causing the suffering to that person, this is the choice of the person because if we don’t choose to live fully, if we don’t choose to fulfill our potential, we suffer because our nature is to fulfill ourselves, is to serve, is to take risks, is to be guided by love, not by fear.

And if we are guided by fear, we cannot feel joy. We cannot feel love. So this is not the Lord, the master who causes the suffering, or this is the punishment, this is what we do to ourselves when we out of fear, don’t use what is given to us out of love, okay? 

And another part of this parable is that he takes the gift of that person and gives it to those who knew how to use this and then it says “Because to those who have a lot, will be more given and to those who had nothing and did nothing, even whatever they have will be taken and given to those who know what to do with it. 

Wow. What does it say to us? First, it says to us, to you, and to me that we all have something given to us, we all have gifts and talents, and this is our task to understand them, to unlock them and to use them.

We all have dreams. We all have something we want to accomplish and achieve in life and the Bible actually says that “wanting and dreaming, and these desires I put into your heart.” Desire from the latent that means coming from the stars, coming from upstairs. So if you have a burning desire in your heart and you’re doing nothing with this, you’re not using your talents because you don’t know them, you’re serving nobody. You’re serving, not even yourself. You are actually hiding in your life and you’re hoping that nobody will notice that you are suffering and wasting your life. Huh, those are strong words, but you know, they are truth, it’s time for you to wake up, to come out of the dust, to shake that out of your life, out of your body and come out of fear, into love and give yourself a little, a little chance to start shining and using who you are because you are so beautiful and me, and you, we were created to shine and to be ourselves in our full potential in using our talents and geeks and nourishing, nurturing our values, and following our dreams, and by doing so and a quote, which I love, can be fulfilled that “You are the light and salt of the world, and nobody puts the light under the table, but they put it on the table that others could have a look at it and say, wow, how do you do this?”

And this is how you glorify your Father who is in heaven because everything good you have in your life is not coming from you, it’s coming from upstairs as a blessing and a grace, and your task and my task is just to receive it, be grateful, rejoice, use it, have fun with it and show others that they can do exactly the same.

So if you don’t know your gifts and talents yet, if you are hiding somewhere being afraid of some challenges and failures and maybe a little bit of life, it’s time to stop it, okay?

Subscribe my channel, follow me if you want to get more inspirational messages because helping you to fulfill your purpose, this is my mission and this is my task on this earth, I know that for sure. Me and an incredible Genius Formula team, we will do everything we can to help you to dig out of where you are into the light of your amazing life.

 I wish you a wonderful week and I see you soon again. All the best. Live fulfilled and be true to yourself always. 

With lots of Love, 


Thank you.]


Taisja Laudy
Taisja Lauda has been discovering and developing the Talents, Values ​​and Dreams of people for 12 years so that we can live in authenticity, freedom and fulfillment. Entrepreneur, mentor, author of the book "My life with Mr. Good", president and founder of TLnC Global - GALLUP Certified Coaching / Consulting, but above all, a wife and mother of two wonderful children, who wants to be understood, joyful and fulfilled in being fully herself.