You were created in order to live a fulfilled and joyful life. You have a light in you that can illuminate your life and everyone around you.
Taisja Laudy
Taisja Laudy
Life Mission:
To awaken people to live in Fulfillment with Joy, Authenticity and Abundance in all areas of Life!
“I believe you have a light in your and a lot of hidden joy. I believe that you have Talents and Gifts whole world is waiting for, and as soon as you discover who you really are – you and others will fall in love with you. You will become the sole and light of this earth, and all what you really desire will follow you and this is the life I want for you, for me and all of us. ” – Taisja
You are in the hands of a professional whose life’s calling and the biggest love in life are: Love for People and Love for God – everything that she does is dictated by that. Her courses, videos, speeches and books touch hundreds of thousands of people around the world, from Poland to New Zealand, both in the world of global corporations, education, and in individual families.
Learner | Command | Responsibility | Connectedness | Stategic | Maximiser | Futuristic | Activator | Achiever.
Mentor | Mądrość | Dawca | Cuda | Wiara | Przywództwo.
Zabrać ludzi do naturalnego stanu bycia — Radości poprzez połączenie z naszym Stwórcą, sobą i wszystkimi dookoła. A również poprzez widzenie w każdym Iskry Bożej i pomoc w odnalezieniu i dodaniu brakującego ogniwa do życia w pełni, gdzie WSZYSTKO JEST MOŻLIWE!
GALLUP Certified Coaching & Consulting, we serve clients all over the world with unique know-how, our experience and passion.
Creator of GeniusFormula®
Creator of the GeniusFormula® methodology – a process leading to Fulfillment by discovering Talents, cultivating Values and awakening Dreams.
Book that is changing lives on 4 continents, translated into 3 languages. It is one of the most inspiring true stories on guidance and trust.
During my 17 years of working with Gallup, I have had the pleasure to meet many valuable people and we continue to support each other in our activities..
CEO of Gallup
Since 1988, CEO of GALLUP, a world leader in public opinion research and advanced analytics. Under his leadership, Gallup has grown from a predominantly US-based company to a global organization with 30 offices in 20 countries and other regions.
Co-Creator of StrengthsFinder 2.0
The author of StrengthsFinder 2.0, Strengths based Leadership, and many others. Together with his grandfather – Don Clifton, he co-created the tool – Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0.
Spiritual Teacher & Medical Doctor
American physician, speaker and writer who specializes in spirituality and holistic medicine that connects mind and body.
CliftonStrengths Community Manager
The world-famous GALLUP interviewer and a podcast host for Gallup Institute. He interviewed Taisja in 2016, and later they had the opportunity to meet in person in Omaha.
Years of experience
Working with people all over the world as a Trainer, Coach and Leade
Gallup Leaders
Trained Strengths Coaches in GALLUP tools, GeniusFormula® and more!
147 000+
Impacted lives
Through Taisja’s book, courses, coaching sessions, podcasts and videos
43 000+
Hours of coaching with clients
Based on GeniusFormula® tools – CliftonStrengths™ and The GoodTest ™
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